It is with great saddness that we share the recent death of Kip Kiste. Please remember Debby and her family as they grieve this painful loss.
It is with great saddness that we share the recent death of Kip Kiste. Please remember Debby and her family as they grieve this painful loss.
Sue Shenberger (Pesci)
Debby, I am so sorry to hear of Kip's passing. My sympathy to you and your family. Susie Shenberger Pesci
John Strickling
Prayers for Debby and family at this time .
Judy Rowley (Moore)
Debby, I am so sorry to hear of Kip's passing. My prayers are with you and your family. 🙏 Judy Rowley Moore>
Rebecca Smith
Debby -- I am so sad to hear of Kip's passing. We are holding you in our hearts. - Becky Smith
Dave Vanosdall
Debby, I am so sorry to hear about the loss of Kip. We had a great deal of fun in High School and while I'd not seen him in quite a while, I kept up through my brother and constantly think about the good times we had. He will be missed.
Stan Kopp
It deeply grieves me that I was not able to be there for you and your family.
You will be in my prayers!
PS I really enjoy seing your daughter, her husband and your grandchildren in church.
PPS Kip and I played for the same little league team...
Becky Hiner (Veazey)
I know how hard it is to lose a spouse. So sorry for you and your family.
Becky Hiner Veazey
Pam Grafton (Haluska)
I am very sorry for your loss, Debbie. I have a nice memory of Kip where he wrote in my yearbook, "Keep square dancing." (We were partners for awhile).